Friday, December 24, 2010

Tips for beginner - cardio

Beginner cardio requires that you take cues from your body. If you feel that you can only handle ten minutes of cardio exercises on your first try then by all means stop at ten minutes. You can work your way up slowly to longer sessions as your body gets acclimated to the exercises. Some additional tips for getting into a beginner cardio exercise regiment.

Stretching is a key element to beginning any type of exercise especially cardio. Be sure to stretch your muscles slowly and to hold each stretch for at least 15-30 seconds. A combination of ballistic and static stretching is a good combo to use here. After stretching, it's extremely important to make sure your muscles are warmed up. You can accomplish this by doing some light exercises such as jumping jacks or walking in place.

As you begin the exercises, remember that proper breathing techniques are very important in beginner cardio. Breathing is key to any kind of exercise. As I watch a good deal of people working out that hold their breath when lifting weights & never breathe. It's not good for you and it also raises your blood pressure. If you are not sure how you should be breathing during your workout routines, then I would highly suggest going to a few Yoga classes. Yoga classes not only helped me control my breathing but have also helped me in the process of making my muscles look longer and leaner.

If jumping on that treadmill already bores you, then maybe consider diving in the pool for a few laps. Swimming not only provides you with a great cardio workout but you also manage to get a fantastic full body workout in as well. Swimming is also a low-impact exercise that has a low rate of injuries, which makes it a great beginner cardio exercise.
So when you journey off on your cardio routine as a beginner, keep in mind that you want to maintain your heart rate between 65%-85% of your maximum heart rate. Your maximum heart rate can be calculated by deducting your age from 220. For example, if you are 33 such as myself, then your maximum heart rate would be 220-33=187. You never want to reach your maximum heart rate.

Another good thing to remember is a cool down session is just as important as warming up is. A cool down can be obtained by going a slow walk on the treadmill or some light Yoga. This allows your heart rate to drop slowly before you move on to your final stretching. I like to allot myself 5 minutes of stretching after my cool down. Keep in mind breathing is very important here. I'm sure you already know how important it is to stay hydrated during your cardio session but please keep a bottle of water with you at all times. This is one thing that you should never take for granted. Water, above all, keeps your body working in perfect condition. Water during our workouts is like air to breathing, without it we can't perform to our highest ability.

1 comment:

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